Line Extension – Fragaria

WA Dept. of Health ODW approved the Fragaria Line Extension Project. As of now, BRWCO submitted a capacity analysis currently under review. Once completed, the line extension project will move forward.

2024 Summer Watering Schedule

It could be another hot and dry this year. Due to significant use this summer, Blue Rock is putting voluntary water restrictions in place for outdoor use. Avoid watering lawns between 10 am and 6 pm daily, and water lawns and landscaping every other day. Please visit for water-saving tips and the outdoor watering schedule.

Please be advised that turning on a hose and watering for hours can drain storage tanks and result in unplanned outages for the entire community. This is considered a wasteful use of water.

We appreciate your cooperation.

Filtration – Cherry Creek

In 2021, Blue Rock Water received Department of Health approval for its Cherry Creek manganese filtration project. The project is currently under cost and bid analysis. When completed, the system will actively filter manganese from the water supply reducing the need to flush the system throughout the year a key factor to water conservation.

Line Extension – Sunny Hills

Blue Rock recently completed a capacity analysis for the Sunny Hills water system that will allow it to move forward with the 2021 Line Extension project. In addition, there will be additional work completed on the system this summer and into the fall to facilitate upgrades.